Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday July 15, 2009

GREAT DAY FOR RIDING. The weather is great and it a fun day to be riding a bicycle. I have really enjoyed the trip so far.
It appears to me that Pennsylvania has the best roads. Most of their highways have a large shoulder at the side of the road. This makes it much safer to ride a bicycle on the side of the road. It also means vehicles with problems have space to pull off the road and resolve the issue. Neither Virginia, nor Maryland, nor Ohio seems to have shoulders on their roads.
Spent quite a bit of time in the Columbiana, Ohio library catching up on my daily journal and blog.
Although riding the bike is fun it is even more fun to eat and relax in some of the small town restaurants that I have discovered.
I camped in a parking lot in Columbiana. I had been getting quite wet camping on grass and I wanted to see if it was any different on asphalt. I am happy to report that asphalt is much dryer than grass. That means I do not have to dry out the sleeping bag the next day.

1 comment:

  1. I think eating at all the small town restaurants sounds awesome! What's the best you've had so far?
